Are Child Brides a Thing?

Certain books captivate with writing so potent that you must find out what happens next and you won’t rest until you do.  

Child Bride is that type of read. It is penned by the amazing author Jennifer Smith Turner. Turner has published two poetry books. Child Bride is her first novel and its prose is definitely that of a talented poet. 

 I love reading novels by new authors. Our favorite authors keep us reading while new authors develop our interests, keeping our desire for reading exciting.  By expanding your reach, you will find that there are tons of stories out there just waiting to be discovered and read.

 In Child Bride, we meet Nell – a strong, smart, witty, and feisty fourteen year old with a passion for reading and education. Through the mind-expanding experience of reading, she realizes there is more to life than her current situation and she desperately wants to explore life’s possibilities. In her own voice, she takes us on a journey, full of twists and turns, that vividly paints the picture of her road to womanhood, marriage, and motherhood.

 Child Bride is a beautifully woven story that accurately captures mid-1900s Black American life in a very heartfelt way.  We learn about life, family, love, and personal growth through the remarkable story of a small-town teen getting married with high hopes and expectations of a better life.

 Turner’s extraordinary writing and storytelling abilities made me sit and ponder things after reading – such as the power of relationships and how relationships impact of our dreams. It also had me consider how easy it can be to get caught in the forced expectations of other people and the determination it takes to life your own life on your own terms.

 Child Bride is one read that I highly recommend. Read it with a friend because you’ll want to discuss the many topics and themes Turner highlights for us (like the description Nell provides as her scenic travel shifts from small-town dirt roads to the big city of Boston). Take your time and savor this one – it’s too good to rush.

